6 Firework Safety Tips for Your Dog


It’s that time of year again when worldwide fireworks will be lit at the end of the year to celebrate the new year. Of course, it is beautiful to see all the colors in the sky, but the noise it makes seems to get worse yearly. Dogs have better hearing then we do, which makes it extra loud for them. Many dogs suffer when fireworks go off. In some countries fireworks is not just for new years eve. Lots of people end up with dogs terrified to go out for a walk. Dogs who shiver, who become incontinent. And even dogs who die of heart attacks caused by the stress fireworks give them. The problem that makes it harder is that people don’t comply to the hours given to set up fireworks. This makes it especially hard on your dog and on yourself. If it was only for a few hours, it could be better managed. But it starts days, even weeks prior. You enjoy a walk with your dog and suddenly a loud bang goes off close by. Your dog starts to panic and pulls the lead. He wants to go home where he feels safe. There are some things you can do for your dog during these times.



Make sure is busy when everyone is setting off the fireworks. Give them a food puzzle, a Kong, a big chew, a lick mat. Licking is soothing. Not all dogs want to be engaged with food. They are so fearful that they do not want anything. That’s okay too. Maybe they want to play a game. Make sure you don’t force anything. Just let them be and be there for them.


Play music designed for dogs

There are several playlists that are especially made for dogs’ ears. It has a calming effect. Another alternative is delta wave music. It’s soothing and calming. Dogs’ ears are sensitive since they have better hearing than we do. Drowning the noise out with suitable music can help during times of anxiety and fear.


Create a safe space for your dog.

This can be a crate made as a den covered with blankets or a room that your dog feels safe in. Make sure everyone is aware of where your dog is and be careful with opening doors or windows. These are easy escape routes for your dog to take during panic. Close curtains and blinds so he’s not able to see the flashes of light.


Be with your dog

Your dog will always feel safest when you’re around for him. Your dog might want to lay with you. Let him know it’s okay to be scared and that you will keep him safe. Others just want to hide away and hope it ends soon. Comforting your dog does not make it worse. Ignoring your dog when he needs you, is not helping.


No off lead walks

Many people have a dog who isn’t afraid of fireworks. This can be, but you never know how your dog might react when a bang is too loud or too close by. To prevent this, keep your dog on lead. You do not want to have your dog running away and be lost during these times or worse. If you have a high fenced area or an enclosed yard, you can walk your dog there. When you do have to walk your fearful dog, choose times where people aren’t active. Get up early and take a long walk. Use a safety harness and make sure you use a double lead on your dog. Tie one lead to your body. Letting go of leads can easily happen, so by attaching a lead to your body, your dog will not be able to make a break for it. If your dog needs one last pee and you really have to go outside, do it before midnight. Listen to when it is most calm. And if your dog doesn’t want to go, let them stay safe indoors. An accident in the house is easy to clean up.



There are several medications to help your dog during these stressful times. Be really careful with what you give your dog. There are medications out there who make your dog knock out, but internally he is anxious but can’t respond by being paralyzed by the meds. There are plenty of natural remedies that calm your dog, but don’t knock your dog out. You could diffuse some dog safe essential oils, CBD oil, herbs. Educate yourself before buying.

Even though it’s a celebration, not everyone sees it that way. So many animals with anxiety. Not just our pets, but also wildlife. To make this an enjoyable and safe ending of the year, take care of your animals and don’t let them escape.

Every dog is an individual so will respond differently and thus need to have a different approach. Do what ever you can to help your animals get through it.

Be safe, keep safe and happy new year!


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