4 Summer Mistakes to Avoid for Your Dog


The temperature is rising, the sun is out. You feel like there are more hours in the day to enjoy. Still people tend to keep up with their usual routine for their canine companion. They forget that we can adapt to the weather with our clothes. Our dogs can’t.

The most common mistakes made during the hottest time of year still occur and this needs to be prevented. This is how.

Walks During Midday

Every year people are advised through the news and social media to avoid the midday hours because of the extreme heat. Sadly, there are still those who are out with their dogs, acting as usual. Letting them have a run behind a ball or taking long walks. Avoid these walks at all costs. 

Leaving Them in Parked Cars

The most shared and upset stories you will hear this summer. Dogs being left by their owners in a parked car while they go shopping or to the beach. Why bring your dog in the first place if you’re going to leave him? Even if the car is parked in the shade and with the windows cracked, the temperature rises to extreme in a short amount of time. When you love your dog, leave them at home. If you spot a dog in a hot car, call the police immediately and ask permission to break the window.

Exercises in the Heat

My heart breaks every time I see people jogging with their dog or having them run next to a bicycle on hot days. They believe their dog still needs to exercise. They do, but you can’t have them running in extreme heat. It can not only cause overheating, but their paws can burn massively due to hot asphalt. You are wearing shoes, but they don’t. Asphalt get hotter than you think. Feel it with your hand or barefoot and you can relate to what your dog will experience constantly.

Shaving the Coat

Dogs sweat through their mouth by panting and through glands in the soles of their feet. This is how they get rid of excess body heat. A dog regulates its temperature through their coat. You might think you’re doing him a favor by shaving that thick layer of him, but in reality, you’re doing more harm than good. Their skin is not used to the sun, so they can get sunburned. Keep the coat on!


                                Easy Tips on Hot Days!

- Walk your dog in the early hours of the day and late at night when it’s cooler.

- Make sure their brain gets exercise by enrichment activities. A stuffed food toy can even be made frozen. Do make sure to not directly give it from the freezer or their tongue might get stuck.

- Give them a cool place in the house to sleep. You can even get a cooling mat to sleep on and a cooling bandana around their neck

- If your dog gets hot, make sure he can cool off in a paddle pool

- Make sure your dog has plenty of fresh, clean water to drink

- Make your own dog popsicles so your dog has a nice, cool treat

- Keep curtains closed during the day so your house stays pretty cool.

- Leave the air-conditioning or ceiling fan on.


Enjoy your summer!


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